Friday, May 7, 2010

Im working on it.

It has been a while since I have blogged. It's on my list of projects for 2010...Is it really May already? Things have been busy. I have managed to make time for trips to Ethiopia, back to India, Mongolia, Denver x2, and Haiti, with pit-stops in Nepal, Turkey, and Amsterdam...all since May 2009. I promise to post some pictures and stories from my travels. I am currently working on sorting through how to describe my Haiti trip, it has been difficult to convey.

We have also recently started something I have dreamed about for over 10 years. With a few like-minded, amazing women, we have started The Nourish Collective. A non-profit dedicated to empowering and educating women around the world. Be sure to check us out on Facebook and Twitter. 

Nourish (v): to care for

Synonyms: attend, cherish, comfort, cultivate, encourage, foster, furnish, maintain, nurse, promote, provide, support, sustain, tend

Antonyms: abandon, deprive, neglect, starve

The Nourish Collective’s four fold mission is to:

1.Empower women through education.
2.Support and equip communities.
3.Promote hygiene, health, and sanitation.
4.Improve environmental sustainability.

Our plans for 2010 include:

•Community health education seminars on topics including the importance of hand washing in preventing disease, bloodborne pathogens, natural healthcare, women’s health, and childbirth education;
•Supporting women as they start and run small businesses;
•Conducting small business seminars for female entrepreneurs
•Fundraising for and partnering with organizations including Operation Smile, Foods Resource Bank, and The Eleanor League.

So, here we go. Superhero Style. Join us, we need you.

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